Why Nature


In this conversation, we discuss our relationships with nature and the lessons they have learned from it. 

Belinda talks about how nature has been a profound and lifelong learning experience for her and how it is accessible and universal to everyone. 

Omar shares about the importance of gratitude and mindfulness in allowing us to adapt to change and be present in the moment. 

Nature is a source of stillness and presence, and  it can help us to understand the cycles and transitions of life. Experiencing nature allows us to deepen our practices of stillness and presence, and provides an anchor points for understanding the world around us.

This week we invite you to take a moment to go outside. Find some soil to put your feet or your hands in. And remember that connection that we all have to the earth that is always available to us.



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There is no right or wrong answer in interpreting art. It is a practice of making meaning.
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